Home » Fluency » Evidence-based fluency instruction » Repeated reading
Repeated Reading – when done properly – is an effective, evidence-based approach to fluency instruction. Repeated Reading in various forms has been studied extensively (see Padeliadu & Giatzidou, 2018, for a review of eight meta-analyses).
Several important characteristics of a Repeated Reading lesson must be present in order for it to be optimally effective.
Some methods of reading fluency instruction involve the use of a timer — having students read as many words as they can within a designated time period (usually one or two minutes). Sometimes it is the reverse — timing how long it takes for a student to read a list of words or a passage. When a timer is used, the student should be advised that speed is not the only thing to focus on in their reading – they need to be accurate and observe the rules of punctuation and other conventions.
This activity can be done with a whole class, small group or one-to-one.
Example of Repeated Reading with one student