Five from Five, AUSPELD, and Learning Difficulties Australia have collaborated on an evidence-based framework for schools to dramatically reduce the number of children who finish primary school unable to read proficiently.
In 2020, more than 50,000 students started their secondary studies with low literacy levels. These students are half as likely to complete school as their peers and have serious lifelong educational and social disadvantages.
By using data from the Phonics Screening Check and NAPLAN and following a systematic approach to assessment and intervention, almost all students can and should be reading well by the time they finish primary school.
It is the responsibility of governments, non-government school governance authorities, and school leadership to ensure that teachers are equipped with the resources and knowledge to achieve this critically important goal.
Add your support to the Primary Reading Pledge through social media with the hashtag #primaryreadingpledge, email your state or territory education minister and/or find out how your school can make the Primary Reading Pledge by contacting [email protected]
Bolwarra Public School in NSW was the first school to make the Primary Reading Pledge.
Add your school to the list of Primary Reading Pledge schools by sending an email to this address: [email protected].
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