The Passive Voice: Misunderstood and Underappreciated

Who should attend

This seminar is suitable for classroom and specialist teachers, school executive and support staff in both primary and secondary settings, or anyone with an interest in language.

What the seminar covers

The nature of the English passive is often misunderstood, leading to confusion about its structure and use. In this seminar, Dr Giblin will explain what the English passive is, explore its communicative purposes, and demonstrate how to use it effectively. He will present key concepts related to the analysis of the English passive in a clear and accessible way, requiring no prior knowledge of English grammar.

Delivery mode

Delivered in a 60-minute online format. Recording available for two weeks following the live presentation.

REGISTER FOR The Passive Voice: Misunderstood and Underappreciated

Wednesday 2 April 2025
5.00pm-6.00pm AEDT

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