Facing facts in education: What the evidence says about improving schools

Facing facts in education: What the evidence says about improving schools
Tuesday, 11 April 2017, The Centre for Independent Studies

England’s schools have undergone substantial changes in the last decade, including: introducing systematic phonics teaching and the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check; implementation of the Shanghai model of maths education in thousands of schools; and the expansion of free schools and academies. These reforms and others were driven by evidence of how children learn and policies that maximise opportunities for children to attend high-quality schools.

  • What does an evidence-based education look like and why is it so important?
  • What can England and Australia learn from each other?
  • What does an evidence-based education look like and why is it so important?
  • What can England and Australia learn from each other?

The Rt Hon Nick Gibb MP, UK Minister of State for School Standards

The Hon Rob Stokes MP, NSW Minister for Education

Mark Scott AO, Secretary of NSW Department of Education

Watch their segments here
The Rt Hon Nick Gibb MP, UK Minister of State for School Standards
The Hon Rob Stokes MP, NSW Minister for Education
Mark Scott AO, Secretary of NSW Department of Education

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